part I Vocabulary and Structure(30%)

Directions:In this part there are 30 incomplete sentences.For each sentence,there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one that best completes the sentence and then mark the corvesponding letter on the Answer Sheet

1.Bill,along with three other men,to represent the union at tomorrow's meeting.




2.His wife bought the blue carpet,but hebought the brown one.

A would rather than

B rather

C would rather have

D.had better

3.My wife and I smoke,but we don't smoke any more.

A.use to?

B.used to?

C.were used to? used to?

4.They worked in a company which B.where made computers.




5.The wind was fierce that we couldn't move forward any more?



?6.? ? you behave yourself,you shall not go to the party this afternoon.





7.? ? ?I saw in Shanghai impressed me deeply.





8.We suggest that he for Beijing next Tuesday.

A.will leave?


C.leave? leaving

9.? ?the accident was a miracle.

A. The child would survive

B. What the child survived

C. That the child survived?

D. Where the child survived

10. The play for five minutes. You are a little late?

A. has begun

B. had begun?

C. has been on

D. had been on

11. You can on John to look after your things while you are away.

A. come?

B. count

C. carry?

D. live

12. Of the two teachers the one in green is

A.more patient?

B. the most patient?

C. the more patient?

D. very patient

13. The company training plan was designed to help the slow workers to improve their?

A. efficiency?

B. fluency?

C. procession?

D. progress

14. John be in the classroom now. I have just seen him in the dining room.

A. needn' t

B. can't

C mustn't

D. wouldn't

15. The citizens felt that the police had done est in such a difficult situation.

A. its

B. his?

C. their?

D. our

16. It was not until she arrived home she remembered her appointment with the doctor.

A. then?

B. and?

C. but

D that

17. As soon as he saw his mom, the boy ran her.

A. to

B. up

C. in

D. on

18. It was not long people knew how to improve their living conditions.

A. after

B. since?

C. when?

D. before

19. Dogs are good friends as they can keep us when we are lonely,?

A. ambition?

B. company

C. balance?

D. distinction

20. Don't in by products claiming to make you lose weight quickly.

A. take

B. taking?

C. be taking

D. be taken

21. -What does she look like?

A. Sheisfine

B She lics dancing?

C. She is tall and thin?

D. She is a good teacher

22. -Could you help me to carry this bag?

A. Yes, here youare?

B. You aro welcome?

C. Ns, please?

D. With pleasure

23. You should read this novel. It's been recommended by our teacher.

A. truly?

B. highly?

C. fully?

D. absolutely

24. -Of the three pairs of shoes, which pair do you want to take?

-I want to take black one. It's most durable one. I think.

A. the; a?

B. a;/

C. the; the?

D. a; the what the teacher said, she turned to one of her classmates for help.

A. Puzzling?

B. Puzzled?

C. Be puzzled?

D. To puzzle

26.are the Olympic Games held?

— Every four years.

A. How long

B. How soon?

C. How often

D. How many

27.wants to offer used books to those in need is welcome to join us.

A. Whomever?

B. Whoever?

C. Whichever?

D. Whatever

28. We you last night but you weren't at home.

A. called off?

B. called up?

C. called back?

D. called on

29. My mother is a very person, and she only spends money where it is most needed.

A. polite?

B. kind?

c. patient?

D. economical

30. The scientist that spending much time staring at our mobile phones would do harm to us.

A. remarked?

B. recommended?

C. demanded?

D. dreamed

Part II Reading Comprehension(40%)

Directions:In this part there are four passages,each of which is followed by five questions on unfinished sentences.Choose the best answer and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheer.

Passage 1

One day five men who were camping in the Perryson Mountains saw a group of huge apelike(類人猿)creatures coming out of the woods.They ran hurriedly to a small house and

locked themselves inside. While they were in, the creatures attacked them by throwing rocks against the walls of the house. After several hours, these strange hairy giants went back into the

woods, leaving big footprints behind.

As soon as the men returned to the town, they told the people of their adventure. However, it was only accepted by a few people who heard about footprints of human-like animals

The five men, however, were not the first people to have seen Bigfoot. Long before their

experience, it was said that a race of apelike animals had been living in the neighboring mountain for centuries. The local people called them Sasquatch.

In 1978,the workmen who were building a road through the jungles(叢林)often found huge footprints in the earth around their camp.

Then in 1987, Ron Patten, a film maker who was interested in finding Bigfoot, went into the jungles with a friend. While riding, they were suddenly thrown off from their horses. Patten saw a tall apelike animal standing not far away. He managed to shoot seven rolls of film of the hairy creature before it disappeared in the woods. When Patten's film was shown to the public, not many people believed his story.

In another incident,Roy Bruce,a math teacher and also an experienced hunter,spotted a similar creature.He saw the animal clearly through the telescopic lens(望遠(yuǎn)瞄準(zhǔn)器)of his gun He said the creature looked more like a human than an animal Later many other people also found deep footprints in the same area.In spite of regular reports of sightings and footprints,most experts still do not believe that Bigfoot really exists

31.What did the five men do when they saw a group of apelike creatures?

A.They attacked the creatures by throwing rocks at them.

B. They ran into the woods and hid there for several hours.

C. They quickly ran to a house and hid themselves.

D. They threw rocks against the wall of the house to drive them away

32. When the men told others about what they saw,

A. no one believed what they said

B. few people thought it was a true story

C. some people who heard similar stories believed it?

D. some people thought they made up their own story

33. The underlined word "Bigfoot" in Paragraph 3 probably refers to?

A. a group of animals with fat feet?

B. a largc hairy human-like creature

C. a group of animals riding in mountains?

D. a huge creature eating like humans

34. Who called these apelike creatures Sasquatch?

A. The math teacher.

B. The five men.

C. The film maker.

D. The local people.

35. What might be the best itle of the passage?

A. Stories of Bigfoot?

B. History of Bigfoot

C. An Adventure of Five Men

D. The Adventure of Apelike Animals?

Passage 2

The kids at Parker Elementary School started a Kindness Club last year,and it's having a positive influence on classroom culture.There had been some issues in fifth grade of kids not being very kind to each other.Teachers had talked to some of the students and told them things had to change.One day fifth-grade teacher Matt Greenhoe was talking with his students about improving the situation when Ady,one of the kids,suggested starting the Kindness Club.

Ady and six other fifth-graders made up the key members of the club.The club started several kindness projects.They set a box where kids could drop in notes,telling acts of kindness they had seen,and then the club would read them during school announcements.Before New Year,the club members organized an activity named Operation Candy Bar.They gave every student a small candy bar with the note"Happy New Year."Currently,they are practising a play based on the book STOP about a girl who is being bullied(受到欺凌)and the friend who helps her

Club members felt they had made a difference and said there was less bullying going on at school.In fact,there were fewer students using the Buddy(伙伴)Bench,a specially set bench onthe playground.Students could sit on it if they were feeling alone and wanted to be invited to play with others.

And the kindness was spreading:other students were following suit by expressing acts of kindness,like putting positive notes on students'desks.They also hoped some of the fourth-graders at the school would continue with the Kindness Club and expected other schools to be inspired

36.Why did Ady and his schoolmates start the Kindness Club?

A. They wanted kids to treat each other nicely.

B. They wanted to stop others from bullying.

C. Some kids wanted to receive holiday cards.

D. Some kids wanted to perform plays together.

37. What would the club do to encourage the kids to perform acts of kindness?

A. They would make the kids' kindness acts known to other kids.

B. They would tell the teacher about the kindness acts.

C. They would write the kids notes of thanks.

D. They would give the kids candy bars.

38. Placing a Buddy Bench on the playground may enable kids to

A. get some rest?

B. hold meetings

C. make friends??

D. entertain themselves

39. The expression "following suit" in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to?

A. taking part in the club?

B. doing the similar things?

C. doing what they are asked to?

D. taking further action

40. Which of the following best conveys the message of this passage?

A. Kindness is not a science but an action.

B. Kindness is more important than wisdom.

C. The act of kindness is scldom forgotten.

D. No act of kindness is ever wasted.

Passage 3

A couple of months ago, Andre Dickson, an older kid who lived next door to me, threw a ball down the back of my shirt when we were sitting on the steps eating a sandwich. That night at dinner I told my big brother Louis about it. "We' ll get him back for it! he said. And then we came up with a plan to do just that!

We knew Andre was scared of snakes. So Louis and I went to the nearby woods and caught two small grass snakes and brought them back to our house. We knew we'd see Andre the next day because we had a large screen TV and Andre liked to watch his favorite football team — the Woodsworth-on the big screen.

The next day Andre called and asked if he could come over and watch the Woodsworth on our TV. "Sure,"we told him. Then my brother Louis and I went to work putting our plan in place!

When Andre got there, we just hung out and everything was normal-although every once in a while Andre would look at me and we'd have to hold back our smiles. Andre sat where he usually did, in the big chair, the one with several big cushions. He liked to throw pillows at the screen whenever one of his favorite players made a bad play -which happened this day too.

But this time, as Andre picked up a cushion, just as he was about to throw it, he noticed a snake

swinging from the cushion. And in that same instant, the little snake dropped onto his feet, where, to his horror, yet another little snake was making its way across his leg. Andre let out a terrible

scream and jumped ten feet off the chair! He ran out of our house so fast! Louis and I nearly died whilc laughing-as we still do whenever either of us brings it up

41. The sentence "We' ll get him back for it!"in Paragraph 1 most probably means

A. we will ask him to join in the plan

B. we will invite him to play together?

C. we will treat him the way he treats us?

D. we will get back to his house to punish him

42. Andre usually visited "my house to

A. play football in the yard?

B. play games with the boys

C. catch snakes with the boys?

D. enjoy sports programs on TV

43. How did Andre respond that day when his favorite players failed?

A. He held back his smile.

B. He jumped off the chair.

C. He threw cushions at the screen.

D. He shouted at the other boys.

44. What can we infer from the story?

A. Louis and Ialmost died.

B. Louis and I were not afrid on akes.

C. Andre and I often laughed at each other.

D. Andre and I never spoke to each other.

45. The tone of the story is?

A. serious?

B. sad?

C. offensive?


Passage 4

We all know that stores where you can buy medicines when you' re sick are fairly recent inventions. But how and when did people get medicine in the ancient times? Scientists think the earliest time could be traced back to 200,000 years ago, but the earliest drugstore is only 300 or

400 years from now. People got medicine from nature, mostly from plants. In fact, the study of plants started out as a section of medicine. To this day, many people around the world still get their medicine from plants.

Plants are full of chemicals, ones that they produce themselves. They don't make them for us to use medicinally. Plants can't move around like we animals do, so they use chemicals to accomplish a lot of their most basic life functions, everything from fighting off fierce animals to communicating, and to producing young.

Long ago, humans learned that these same chemicals affect our bodies. Some make us sick or even kill us, but many are beneficial. Early people must have discovered which was which through trial and error, and also by watching animals. Scientists know that some animals treatthemselves with plants when they are sick. Bears in North America have been observed to dig up the roots of a plant, chew the roots, and then spread it all over their fur

Over time, humans developed great skill at diagnosing conditions and knowing just which plants to prescribe and how to prepare. Much knowledge about those plants wasn't written down, so with the arrival of modern medicine, some of what people used to know was lost.

Medicinal plants come in all shapes and sizes. Some grow at the tops of mountains; others in forests; still others, in deep ocean. Probably some are in your yard, fields, or even narrow gaps in

sidewalks. Many of the plants you have regularly in food and drink have medicinal elements.

Who knows there is a different kind of drugstore-a vital and ancient oneall around us?

46.The ancients knew about medicinal plants?

A.700 years ago

B.400 years ago?

C.300 years ago?

D.200,000 years ago

47,Whydoplans produe chemials StUaocomn?

A.To provide food for people

B.To meet their basic needs.

C.To provide animals with medicine.

D.To meet humans'needs.

48.The early people acquired knowledge of medicinal plants by?

A.digging up plants?

B.keeping animals as pets?

C.observing animals? plants at home

49.What do we learn from the last paragraph?

A.Medicinal plants can be found almost anywhere.

B.Medicinal plants are only available in food.

C.Medicinal plants can be found in drugstores.

D.Medicinal plants are different in forms.

50.What can be inferred from the passage?

A Pansae ater an edimie?

B. Some plants make a natural drugstore.

C.Plants are more useful than animals.

D.Some plants make wonderful food.

Part IIl Cloze(15%)

Directions:In this part there are 15 blanks in the following passage.For each blank,there are four choices.Choose the best answer and mark the corresponding letter on thednswer Sheer The idea of becoming a writer occurred to Nicole when she was meeting with some friends in a bar."If you could do anything,51 cost,location,and education being factors,what would you do?"One of them asked 52.The table went 53 as everyone was set to thinking.

Like all of her friends in the 54. Nicole was a mom with two little kids. She loved being a mom, 55 the busy life of taking care of two children made her 56 that being a full-time mom was the _57 for her now. Eventually, her children would be 58 to college and then her purpose would be fulfilled, she thought. Until then the job was to 59 the kids. Yet, she couldn't help 60 herself, what would happen when she was no longer 61 to the children?

These thoughts troubled her so much that she grew _62. In the end, her husband had to push her to meet up with other moms in the 63

So the question really hit home. After a few minutes, 64 started pouring out-everythingfrom being an accountant who loved working with 65 to a doctor who loved helping people heal. That was when Nicole discovered what she was really passinte about.?

51. A. without B. by C. as D. of

52. A. happily B. clearly C. suddenly D. slowly

53. A. crazy B. silent C. angry D. wild

54. A. house B. restaurant C. bar D. room

55. A. because B. when C. or D. but

56. A. like B. choose C. realize D. wonder

57. A. idea B. chapter C. stereotype D. choice B. off?

58 A. forward? B. off c. along D. down?

59. A. look afier B. look for? ?C. look up? D. look at

60. A. hating B. asking C. saving D. believing

61. A. grateful B. useful C. close D. nice

62. A. contented B. interested C. depressed D. surprised

63. A. world B. organization C. market D. neighborhood

64. A. feelings B. considerations C. fancies D. answers

65. A. money B. banks C. numbers D. people

Part IV Writing (15%)

Directions: Write an email with no less than 100 words to Tom according to the following requirements.







PartI Vocabulary and Structure(每小題1分,共30分)

1.A 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.D 7.B 8.C 9.C 10.C 11.B 12.A 13.A 14.B 15.C 16.D 17.A 18.D 19.B 20.D 21.C 22.D 23.B 24.C 25.B26.C 27.B 28.D 29.D 30.A?

Part I Reading Comprehension(每小題2分,共40分)

31.C 32.C 33.B 34.D 35.A 36.A 37.A 38.C 39.B 40.D 41.C 42.D 43.C 44.B 45.D 46.D 47.B 48.C 49.A 50.B?

Part II1 Cloze(每小題1分,共15分)

51.A 52.C 53.B 54.C 55.D 56.C 57.D 58.B 59.A 60.B 61.B 62.C 63.D 64.D 65.C

Part IV Writing(本大題共15分)










8分-比較切題,表達(dá)思想較清楚 文字基本連貨,仍有少數(shù)較嚴(yán)重語(yǔ)言錯(cuò)誤,不少于80詞



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