PartI Vocabulary and Structure(35%)

1.The last decadetremendous changes in the means of transportation.

A.has witnessedB.was witnessedC.witnessed witnessed

2.When they entered the room,they found the windows open and something de steal%D.stealing

3.You can join us for this activity you follow these rules strictly.

A.on condition that B.just case

4.The research scientists often meet with problems new types of instruments for their solution.

A.require requireC.requiredD.requiring

5.The house is well decoratedthe disarrangement ofa few photos.

A.exceptB.besides C.except for addition to

6.Without computers,we the tremendous medical advancement in the last few decades.

A.would not make B.will not have made C.could not make D.couldn't have made

7.The tree,the branchesare almost bare,is a very old one.

A.whose whichC.of which


8.What's dons is done,It's no useanyone for it. de blaming

9.It is the boy's laziness thathis failure in the exam.

A.resulted from B.led toC.brought inD.led into

10.I can't this type of computer;it's too expensive.

11.The students were assigned different tasks according to theirabilities.


12.Thank you for theyou did me to move the sofa upstairs.


13.As for the quality of this model of color TV sets,the ones made in Chine are by no means those imported.

A.inferior than B.less inferior to C.less inferior than D.inferior to

14.This well-known international organization was several years ago.

A.set upB.made upC.taken up

15.The couples had to move to the north because they found it hard to themselves to the hot climate in the south.


16.I rememberedthe door before I left the house.

17.I didn't hear because there was too much noise where I was siting.

A.what did he say B.what he had said C.what was he saying

8.George tookof the fine weather to do a day's work in his garden.

19.We found that the plane when we got to the airport.

A.already took of B.had already takenoff Cwas already takingoff D.wasalready taken off

20.The sudden rise in oil prices led to an economic in the country.



21.Thereason I didn't atend the lecture was simply I got a bad cold thatday



22.Califomia relies heavily on income from fruit crops,

A.also does Florida FHorida does C.sodoes Florida》D.FHorida does ciher

23.Such a reliable person as him won't make promises.

24.In English vocabulary,words of French are not rare.


25.One new to learning a foreignlanguageis tosuay thelanguagein its culural contest




26.Staring at the ruins of his house,he couldn'thow the fire had broken out.

C.figure out D.pick out

A.bring out B.turmout

27.Ididn't know what to do,but then an ideato me suddenly

28.The govermment has losta great dealof because of the large increase in food price


29.I continued to study the discouragement I had received.

A.despite of )B.despite spite spite that

30.They said Ihad given the whistle was worth.

A.wice as many as twice many as twicemuchas D.twice as muchas

31.It is necessary to alarge vocabulary in learming a language.

A.accumulateB.colect Casemble D.gather

32.Many peoplein Africa seemto be of the Amrican wayoflife: driving everywhere.


33.Onerequirementfor this job is that you mustbe to work on weekends.

A.acesible B.availableC.aceprable


34.Rain does not bring down the temperature.

A.certainly B.andoupiealy C.ncesarily D.compleuely

35.Theory is based on practice and serves and guides practice.

A.intum tumsC.taking retum

Part IⅡ Reading Comprehension (40%)


“SWestenmcoumties peoplelhave ben using he isalnent(分期付款)plan sice he firsthalf ofthe wenticth century.Today,a large number ofanmilies in Great Britain buy furmiture,houschold gods and carsbyinstalment.Inthe Us.,the figure is mch higher han in Gireat Briin,and people tere spend over 1o percent of their income on the installment plan.The price of an article bought on installment is always higher than the price that would be paid by cash.There is a charge for interest.The buyer pays one quarter or one third of the price as a down payment(首期付款)when the goods are delivered to him.He then makes regular payments,weekly or monthly,until the full piece is paid up.The legal ownership of the goods remains with the seller until the final payment has been made.Installment buying has advantages and disadvantages.It can help couples with small incomes to furnish their homes and start housekeeping.It increases the demand for goods,and in this way helps business and employment.There is,however,the danger that when business is bad,installment buying may end suddenly,making business much worse.This may result in a great increase in unemployment.If the people on theinstallment plan lose their jobs,they will probably not be able to make their payments.If great numbers of people are not able to pay their installment debts there is a possibility that businessmen cannot collect their debts and will therefore lose money.If businessmen lose money or fail to make a satisfactory profit,it becomes more likely to have a depression.This is why,in some countries,the government controls the installment plan by fixing the amount of the down payment and each of the following installments to discourage people from buying more than they can pay for on the installment plan.

36.Which of the following is NOT true about the installment plan?

A.A lot of British families use the installment plan.

B.More than 10 percent American families buy things on installments.

C.Americans depend more on installment than British people do.

D.Americans spend more than one tenth of their income on installment buying.

37.Goods bought on installments are more expensive than goods bought by cash because.

A.the buyer has to pay extra money as interest

B.the delivery of the goods charges extra money

C.the buyer has to pay a dowa payment

D.the service offered by installment plan is much better

38.What will happen to a buyer if he fails to make the full payment for an item bought on installment?

A.He might lose his job.B.He will not own the item he has bought.

C.He will have to sell what he has bought.D.He will go into debt.

39.The advantage of installment buying might include all the following EXCEPT that.

A.purchasing power is strengthened

B.employment might be increased

C.people develop a good habit of saving money

D.young couples are able to furmish their homes

40.In some countries,the govemments control the installment plan to.

A.increase employment

B.increase people's income

C.ensure that businesses make good profits

D.ensure that people can pay for what they buy


Publicity(宣傳,報(bào)道)offers several benefits.There are no costs for message time or space.An ad in prime time television may cost S 250,000 or mare per minute,whereas a five-minute report on a network newscast would not cost anything.However,there are costs for news releases(發(fā)布),a publicity department,and other items.As with advertising,publicity reaches a mass audience.Within a short time,new products or company policies are widely known.Credibility(可信度)about mesages is high,because they are reported in independent media.A newspaper review of a movie has more believability than an ad in the same paper,because the reader associates independence with objectivity.Similarly,people are more likely to pay attention to news reports than ads.Readers spend time reading the stories,but they flip through(草草翻閱)the ads.Furthermore,there may be hundreds of ads in a magazine.Feature stories(專題報(bào)道)are much fewer in number and stand out clearly.Publicity also has some significant limitations.A firm has little control over messages,their timing,placement(報(bào)道順序),or coverage.It may issue detailed news releases and find only smal portions of them reported by the media;and media have the ability to be much more critical than a company would like.A firm may want publicity during certain periods,such as when a new product is introduced or new storeopened,but the media may not cover the introduction or opening until after the time it would aid the firm.Similarly,media determine the placement of a story;it may follow a report on crime or sports.Finally,the media ascertain(確定)whether to cover a story at all and the amount of coverage to be devoted to it.Acompany-sponsored(贊助)job program might go unreported or receive three-sentence coverage in a local newspaper.

41.The author mentions all of the following advantages of publicity EXCEPT

A.having no time costs/B.having attentiveness

C.having high credibility D.having no space costs

42.People are more likely to believe in news repots than ads because

A.they reach a larger audience than ads do

B.they are all latest events

C.they appear in independent media

D.they are much more in number and stand out clearly

43.Which of the following in NOT a limitation of publicity?

B.Very detailed reporting

C.Placement after a report on crimeD.Being reported much less than expected

44.One of the reasons why feature stories seem more reliable than ads is that.

A.they are more believable

B.they are more objective

D.they are much fewer in number and stand out clearly

45.The last sentence in the last paragraph implies that.

A.the placement of a story is not quite important

B.the report of a crime may not be true

C.local newspapers may not be interested in company-sponsored programs

D.publicity is always successful


The idea behind"the rule of law"is that it is laws based on logical reasons and clear thinking that should goverm social life."We live under a rule of law,not of men."American teachers tell their students.The students accept the idea.They believe that"no man is above the law,"and that laws apply equally to all people no matter how wealthy they are,what their personal connections are,or what their stations in life are.Their faith in the rule of law explains the belief many Americans held,and many foreigners could not understand, that President Richard Nixon should be removed from office as a result of his behavior in connection with what was called"Watergate Scandal(水門事件)”.Nixon had broken the law and therefore should be punished,Americans believed,even if he was the President.The belief in the rule of law goes beyond the area of politics to other areas of life that are governed by formal rules and procedures.To get a job with government institutions,for example,or to get government funding for a research project,one must follow published procedures and show that one meets the published requirements.Personal connections are not supposed to matter under the rule of law.This is not to say that personal contacts,wealth,and social influence do not matter in situations where laws and rules are to be obeyed.They may.What is said above describes the ideal with which Americans agree.In reality,connections can sometimes help a person get a govemment job.Rich people can sometimes go unpunished for illegal behavior that poor people would be likely to be punished for.But in general the rule of law prevails,and Americans are proud that it does.

46.The word“stations”(Line 5,Para 1)is closest in meaning to

A.stagesB.situationsC.successes positions

47.The writer mentions President Richard Nixon in the first paragraph in order to show that man is above the law

B.the president should make sure of the rule of law

C.the rule of law is important in politics

D.American people have the right to remove the president

48.It can be learned from the last paragraph that in the United States the rule of law. not carried out as fully as it should be

B.makes poor people also likely to be successful,in reality,almost impossible to realize

D.makes sure that everyone is punished for his wrongdoing

49.The pronoum"They”in the second line of the last paragraph refers to all of the following EXCEPT

A.personal connections B.laws and rules influenceD.wealth

50.The main idea of the last paragraph is .

A.Americans are idealistic(理想主義的)about laws people can sometimes go unpunished for illegal behavior

C.the American employment system is unfair

D.laws are more important than personal connections or influence in most cases in the US

Passage 4

Human cloning(克?。﹖echnology could be used to reverse heart attacks.Scientists believe that they may be able to treat heart attack victims by cloning their healthy heart cells and injecting them into the areas of the heart that have been damaged,and other problems may be solved if human cloning and its technology are not forbidden.With cloning,infertile couples could have children.Current treatments for infertility,in terms of percentages(i分比),are not very successful.Couples go through physically and emotionally painful procedures for a small chance of having children.Many couples run out of time and money without successfully having children.Human cloning could make it possible for many more infertile couples to have children than ever before.We should be able to clone the bone marrow(骨髓)for children and adults suffering from leukemia(白血病).This is expected to be one of the first benefits to come from cloning technology.We may learn how to switch cells on and off through cloning and thus be able to cure cancer.Cloning technology can be used to test for and perhaps cure gene-related diseases.The above are just a few examples of what human cloning technology can do for mankind.This new technology promises unprecedented advancement in medicine if people will release their fears and let the benefits begin.

51.Heart attacks can be treated with human cloning technology by

A.removing the damaged part of the heart

B.replacing the old heart with a cloned one

C.repairing the heart with cells cloned from healthy ones the patients injections of various medicines

52.The word“infertile”(Line 1,Para.2)most probably means

A.unable to give birth to a childB.having physical and emotional problems

C.short of time and money

D.separated from each other for long

53.Paragraph Two implies that in treating infertiity,

A.the percentage of successful treatments is very high when present methods are used

B.the present treatment is very cheap

C.the cloning technology costs less time and money in treating infertility

D.the cloning technology is more suitable for treating infertility than leukemia

54.The following are all examples of the benefits from the cloning technology EXCEPT.

A.treating heart attack victimsB.releasing people's fears

C.treatment for infertility

D.curing cancer)

55.According to the writer,the main problem with the development of human cloning technology is that may be out of human has brought about few benefits so far

C.people still know little about itD.people are afraid of such technology

Part Ill Cloze(10%)

We got up early this morming and 56 a long walk after breakfast.We walked 57 the business section of the city.I told you yesterday that the city 58larger than I thought it would be.Well,the business section is smaller than I-thought it would be.I suppose that's 59Washington is a special kind of city.60 of the people in Washington work for the govemment.About 9:30we went to the White House.It's 61 the public from ten 62twelve,and there was a long line of people 63to get in.We didn't have to wait very long,because the line moved prety quickly.The White House is really white.It 64 every year.And it seems very white,because it's got beautiful lawns 65around it,with many trees and shrubs.The grounds 66 about four square blocks.I mean, they're about two blocks long 67 each side.Of course,we didn't see the whole building.The part 68 the President lives and works can not be visited by the public.But the part we saw was beautiful.We went through five of the main rooms.One of 69 was the library,on the ground floor.On the next floor,there are three rooms named 70 the colors that are used in them:the Red Room,the Blue Room,and the Green Room.The walls are covered with silk 71.There are 72old furniture,from the time 73 the White House was 74 built.And everywhere there are paintings and statues of former presidents and 75 famous people from history.



D.should be


60.A.AmountsB.MuchC.A great dealD.Most toB.opened for

D.opened for


63.A.waitedB.wait wait

64.A.was painted B.has been painted C.gets painted D.had been paint








72.A.many pieces of B.many bits ofC.a great manyD.many a




Part IV Writing(15%)

Directions:This part is to test your ability in practical writing.Now you are required to write a letter according to the information given in Chinese.Your writing should contain 100 to 120 words and you should write it on the Answer Sheet.

76.2010年廣州將舉辦亞運(yùn)會(huì)。你從報(bào)紙上得知廣州亞運(yùn)會(huì)組織委員會(huì)(Guangzhou Asian Games Organizing Committee)將招募志愿者(recruit volunteers)。請(qǐng)你以個(gè)人名義給組委會(huì)寫一封申請(qǐng)信,說明你希望當(dāng)一位志愿者。信中必須包括:







11.C12.A 13.D14.A 15.D16.A 17.B18.A19.B20.B







Part IV Writing(15%)

March 23,2008

Dear Sir/Madam,

I've leant from Guangzhou Daily that the Organizing Committee is calling on volunteers to send their applications for the Asian Games in Guangzhou in the year 2010.As a college student and citizen of Guangzhou,I believe that I have the responsibility to work for the Games.I like sports,have a very good command of English and I am skilled at communication.I'm sure I am highly qualified for the job.I hope there will be some training in English for sports,etiquettes and Chinese culture.I will try my best to do my work well.I look forward to the news of being accepted.


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