1.Introduction and greetings介紹與問候
Introducing yourself介紹自己
Saying where you’re from說明你從哪里來
Introducing other people介紹他人
Saying what you do描述自己的工作
Finding out information about people了解他人情況
Describing a company描述公司
Talking about types of business談?wù)撔袠I(yè)
Finding the perfect partner尋找最佳合作伙伴
4.The place of work工作地點(diǎn)
Giving directions指點(diǎn)方向
Talking about department談?wù)摬块T
Taking a message轉(zhuǎn)告電話
5.Day-to-day work 日常工作
Talking about your work談你的工作
Describing routines描述日常活動(dòng)
Likes and dislikes喜惡
6.The working environment工作環(huán)境
Asking people to do things請別人做事情
Making about stress談?wù)摴ぷ鲏毫?/div>
Giving advice給予忠告
Discussing arrangements討論安排
Making arrangements做安排
Planning a trip計(jì)劃出差
8.Visits and travel訪問和旅行
Finding out about hotels找酒店
Talking to a visitor與來訪者交談
Attending business events參加商務(wù)活動(dòng)
9.Work history工作經(jīng)歷
Finding someone a job為人找工作
Talking about your career談?wù)撀殬I(yè)生涯
Describing your first job描述你的第一份工作
10.Fairs and sales交易會和銷售
Finding out about a trade fair了解交易會情況
Talking about products談?wù)摦a(chǎn)品
Placing an order下定單
11.Product description產(chǎn)品描述
Comparing products比較產(chǎn)品
Saying what is best說明什么是最好的
Making suggestions提建議
Taking a guest to dinner請客戶吃飯
Making invitations發(fā)出邀請
Describing food描述食物
13.Firms and factories公司和工廠
Saying what you’ve done說明你做了什么
Visiting a factory訪問工廠
The company report公司報(bào)告
14.Problems, problems問題,問題
Dealing with problems處理問題
Complaining and apologizing投訴與道歉
Finding a solution尋找解決辦法
15.Future trends未來趨勢
Making predictions預(yù)測
Talking about the future談?wù)撐磥?/div>
Changing the way we work改變工作方式
16.Enjoys a business trip享受出差
Finding out about a city了解一個(gè)城市
Making offers提出幫忙
《劍橋高級商務(wù)英語》BEC1學(xué)生用書 + 實(shí)用商務(wù)英語


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