?? 下列的商務(wù)英語培訓(xùn)模塊將會幫助中國的職業(yè)人在跨國公司中的發(fā)展。
?? BUSINESS English communication skills are among the most essential abilities for an employee in an international working environment and the Business English modules will assist in the development of Chinese nationals working in multinational companies.
?? 中級商務(wù)英語培訓(xùn) (此課程分為兩部分:寫作和口語)
?? Business Writing Modules 商務(wù)英語寫作
  • Emails - Format & Style 電子郵件的格式和式樣
  • Letters - Circulars 信件:通知
  • Letters - Collection of Payment 1 & 信件 :催款信
  • Letters - Complaints - Making 信件:投訴
  • Letters - Complaints - Responding 信件:回復(fù)投訴
  • Letters - Contracts信件:合同
  • Letters - Enquiries & Replies 1 - 4 信件:詢盤和回盤
  • Letters - Format and Style 1 - 3 信件:格式和樣式
  • Letters - Order Fulfillment 信件:違章罰款
  • Letters - Invitations & Replies 信件: 邀請函和回復(fù)
  • Letters - Invoices 信件:發(fā)票
  • Letters - Quotations 信件:報價
  • Letters - Sales & Marketing 信件:銷售與市場營銷
  • Presentations - Format & Style 演示:格式和式樣
  • Memos - Format & Style 備忘錄: 格式和式樣
  • Reports - Agenda & Minutes 報告:議程安排和時間
  • Reports - Format & Style 報告: 格式和式樣
  • Reports - Referencing 報告:參考
  • Writing - Translating Ideas to Writing 定作特訓(xùn):將想法變?yōu)槲淖?/li>
?? Business Oral Modules 商務(wù)英語口語培訓(xùn)

  • Advertising & Marketing
  • Business Ethics
  • Business Psychology
  • Business Socializing
  • Business Travel
  • Career Development
  • Chinglish
  • Company Strategy
  • Competition
  • Conferences
  • Cultural Differences 1 - 3
  • Customer Service
  • Entertaining
  • Hotel English
  • Hotels - Food & Beverage
  • Hotels - Front of House
  • Hotels - Management
  • Insurance
  • Logistics
  • Management 1 - 4
  • Market Research
  • Managing Innovation
  • Meetings
  • Modern Media
  • Motivation & Teambuilding
  • Negotiations 1 - 3
  • Networking
  • NGOs & Charities
  • Numbers & Money
  • Office Skills
  • Oil Industry
  • Organisations
  • Pharmaceutical Industry
  • Politics
  • Presentations - Intensive 1 - 3
  • Presentations 1 - 5
  • Pricing Strategy
  • Problem Solving
  • Production
  • Purchasing
  • Project Management
  • Recruitment
  • Sales Technique
  • Sports & Leisure


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