Part I Vocabulary and Structure(35%)

1.The machine operators are so to the noise that they don't even notice it.

A.associated B.sensitiveC.accustomedD.familiar

2.He doesn't work but he gets a good from his investments.


3.The result must be accurate,because all the calculations have been done by an computer.

A.electric B.electricalC.electronD.electronic

4.Mary is a conscientious student;she works very hard and isto her teachers.


5.The newmachine is a great help in the production of this factory.


6.The new regulation does not until the first of March.

A.take into account B.go into effect C.carry into practice D.put into operation

7.The TV advertising? ?against the destruction of the rainforests in South America has drawn attention from millions of people.

A.act B.campaign,C.conduct D.movement

8.The bushas gone up another nickel.


9.Do you mind if Iwith my work while you are getting tea ready?.

A.get throughB.carry outC.turn toD.carry on

10.Following two days of shooting along their borders, the two countries havediplomatic relations.

A.broken down B.put downC.broken offD.put off

11.I don't know how youthe severe winters in your part of the world.

A.stand up toB.stand forC.stand outD.stand up

12.All the people in this village have black hair.They alleach other.

A.resemble as B.resemble with C.resemble D.resemble from

13.One requirement for this job is that you must be to work on weekend.


14.She alwaysthe smell of fresh bread with her grandmother,who loved bakiag.

A.atributedB.exemplified C.remembered D.associated

15.No ore really knows who composed this piece of music,but it has been to Bach.

A.identified.B.associated C.referred D.attributed

16.The children will not be allowed to come with us if they don'tthemselves better.


17.It is said that those people can the plastic sheet into money,but Idon't believe it at all.


18.Don't put too much pressure on the children,because anxiety can with their performance at school.


19.Please ask him to come in and wait here.We simply can'tto offend such an important person to our company.


20.Before he fell into the river,he took hold of a small tree on the bank by .

A.inspirationB.instanceC.instinct D.instruction

21.I have got a loaf of bread;now I'm looking for a knife. cut it cut with it C.with it to cutD.with it cutting

22.If the United States had built more homes for poor people in 1955,the housing problems now in some

parts of the country so serious.

A.wouldn't be B.wouldn't have been C.will not be D.would have not been

23.Physics is the present-day equivalent of used to be called natural philosophy,from which most of

present-day sciences arose.


24.Some companies have introduced flexible working time with less emphasis on pressure.

A.than more on efficiencyB.and more efficiency

C.but moreon on eficiency D.than eficieney

25.The British are so familiar with different cultures and other ways of doing things,is often the case in other countries


26.from the outer space,the earth looks like a blue ball.

A.Se eB.Seeing C.To seeD.Seen

27.X-rays are able to pass through objects and thus makedetails that are otherwise impossible to observe. visibleB.them visibleC.visibleD.they are visible

28.There is no point to remember all those names and addresses.The most important thing is to understand the events associated with them. be trying

29.,the story of Snow White appeals to many adult readers,too.

A.Though it written for childrenB.Though written for children

C.Though for children writen D.It was written for children

30.This factory turms out as they did a decade ago.

A.twice as many motorbikesB.twice motorbikes as many

C.twice motorbikes as muchD.motorbikes as twice much

31.As it turned out to be a small house party,we so formally.

A.need not have dressed upB.must not have dressed up

C.did not need to dress upD.must not dress up

32.He is very rich,so he

A.must make a fortuneB.should have made a fortune

C.must have made a fortuneD.should make a fortune

33.,she failed again in the tst and felt very deprssed.

A.As she worked hard

B.Hard as she worked

C.Since she worked hardD.Hard since she worked

34.I'm going to get my leters tomorow aftenoon ifI can get them ready today.

A.type type C.yped D.iyping

35.Most of us agreethat swimming is more enjoyable in such afine day than novels underthe tree.

A.readingB.oread C.being reading be reading

Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension(40%)

Passage One

Abou: 70 millon Americans are trying to lose weight.That is almost I out ofevery 3 people in the

United States.Some people go in diet.This means they eat less of certain foods,especialy fats and sugars.

Other people exercise with special equipment,take diet pills,or even have surgery.Losing weight is hard

work,and it can also cost a lot of money.So why do so many people in the United States want to lose


Many people in the Unied States wory about not looking young and atractive.For many people,

looking good also means being thin.Other people worry about their health.Many dociors say being

overweight is not healthy.But are Americans really fat?

Almost 30 million Americans weigh at least 20 percent miore than their ideal weight.In fact,the

United States is the most overweight country in tie world."The siored fat of adult Americans weighs 2.3

rillion(兆)pounds,-says University or Massachisdtus anihropelogis (人類修家)George Armelagos.He

says burning of that stored enersy would produce enough power for 900,000 cars to go 12.000 miles.

Losing weight is hard work,but most people want to find a fast and easy way to take off fat.

Bookstores sell lots of dict books.These books tel readers how o lose weight.Each year,dozens of new

books like these are writen.Each one promises to get rid of fat.

36.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a way oflosing weight?

A.To eat less fats and sugars.B.To have surgery.

C.To take much exercise.D.To work hard.

37.Many Americans are trying to lose weight because

A.they want to look aractive B.tey only want to look young

C.they are misled by doctors D.ihey are laughed at by others

38.What do the figures given in the third paragraph tell us?

A.Americans are dependent on cars.B.Cars consume a lot of energy.

C.Americans need to lose weight.D.Excess of fat can be a source of energy.

39.What is implied in the last paragraph?

A.Dict books are aot always helpful.B.Diet books are usually helpful.

C.There are lots of ways of losing weight.D.Booksitores are keeping their promises.

40.What can be concluded from the passage?

A.People think too much of their appearance.B.There is not a sure way of losing weight as yet.

C.Surgery is the fastest way of losing weight.D.Going on diet is a safe way of losing weigh.

Passage Two

Instead of being playthings,early kites were used for military purposes.Historical records say they

were large in size;some were powerful enough to carry men up in the air to observe enemy movements,

and others were used to scatter some information over hostile forces.

During the Tang Dynasty (618-907),people began to fix on kites some bamboo(竹子)strips which,

when high in the air,would ring in the wind like a zheng (a traditional Chinese musical instrument).Since

then,the popular Chinese name for the kite has become fengzheng.The kites made today in some places

are fixed with silk strings or rubber bands to give out pleasant ringing in the wind.

It was also believed,for instance,during the Qing Dynasty (1644-191),that flying a kite and then

letting it go,apart from the pleasure in itself,might send off one's bad luck and illness.Consequently it

would bring him bad luch if one should pick up a kite lost by other people,This may be regarded as

superstition(迷信)but may not be altogether without reason:think of the good it will do to a person,illand

depressed all the time,if he or she could go out into the fields and fresh air to fly a kite.

Chinese kites fall into two major types:those with wings that can be taken apart and those with wings

that are fixed.The former can be taken apart and packed in boxcs.Easy to carry about,they make good

presents.The second type refers to those with fixed structure;they fly better and higher,given a steady

wind,Classified by designs and other standards,there are no less than 300 varieties,including human

figures,fish,insects,birds,animals and writuen Chinese characters.In size,they range from 304 meters to

oaly 30cmimsess across

41.What is the use of sik strings or rubber bands fixed to the kites?

A.To make the kites look more pleasant.B.To make the kites have strong structures.

C.To make the kites produce pleasant sounds.D.To make the kites fly faster in the wind.

42.Which of the following is true?

A.Flying kites can bring people more fun than any other activity.

B.Flying kites can cure many diseases.

C.Flying kites lost by other people will definitely bring people bad luck.

D.Flying kites in the fresh air can be good to people's health.

43.Which of the following is NOT believed to be the function of kites?

A.Bringing people much fun.B.Helping people to enjoy wonderful music.

C.Helping people to get rid of bad luck.D.Helping armies to observe enemies.

44.In the past,a person might fly a kite and then let it go because he

A.wanted it to fly higher

B.wanted it to give pleasure to other people

C.wanted to get rid of bad luckD.wanted to let his enemies getit

45.What kind of kites can fly better and higher?

A.The kites whose wings can be taken apart.

B.The kites whose wings can not be taken apart.

C.The kites with large wings that can fly like birds.

D.The kites that have large sizes and peculiar structures.

Passage three

One of Britain's few distinctive contributions to world culture may come to an end,according to a

survey that suggests holiday postcards are more and more given up because of emails and instant messages

in mobile phones.

More than half of the 1000 holiday-makers interviewed said they had decided to send fewer cards,

turning instead to their electronic rivals.A quarter of the respondents(受調(diào)查者)regard postcards as old-

fashioned and slow to arrive,A further 14%admitted that thinking of something to fill the space was too

challenging,compared with a call home.

Although officially invented by a Hungarian,Emanuel Herrmann,in 1869,the idea of illustrated

cards was taken up with most enthusiasm in Victorian Britain,joining Gothic architecture and landscape

gardening as fields for which the country was famous.

“If the British postcard did disappear,we would lose for ever something of great importance to the

nation,”said Chris Motershead of Thomson Holidays,which did the was backed by Marie

Angelou of Sussex University,who has investigated the importance of sending and receiving postcards.

“Postcards are nothing like phone calls,instant messages and direct photo shots via the mobile,"she said.

“All these are useful,practical devices,but postcards offer something else,something additional that is not

simply functional,but imaginative and personal.They can create the real atmosphere of your holiday in a

way that nothing else can do.They are also for more than a moment-with some people adding them to

collections built up over years and years.”

46.Who first got the idea of illustrated cards?

A.Emanuel Herrmann.

B.Victorian Britain.

C.Chris Mottershead.

D.Marie Angelou

47.The word challenging (in paragraph2)probably means




48.The reason why some people refuse to give up postcards is that . is not convenient for people to use emails now is not convenient for people to use instant messages

C.sending postcards can be more fashionable

D.sending postcards can create a holiday atmosphere

49.We can iearn from the last paragraph that. is necessary for people to use phone calls,instant messages and direct photo shots via the mobile

B.unlike phone calls,instant messages and direct photo shots via the mobile,postcards are not functional is necessary for people to use postcards in spite of the convenience provided by other devices

D.postcards are completely the same as phone calls,instant messages and others

50.We can infer from the passage that

A.postcards will disappear in a few years because of other devices of communication

B.people's happiness in sending and receiving postcards can only last a moment-

C.postcard collecting might be one af the reasons why some people still like the postcards

D.without postcards,people will have less communication with others

Passage four

Despite a cooling of the economy,high-technology companies are still drying out for skilled workers.

The Information Technology Association of America projecks that more than 800,000 technology jobs will

go unfilled next year.The lack of qualified workers poses a huge threat to the U.S.economy.

The most commonly cited reason for this state of affairs is that the country's agrarian-age(農(nóng)村時代)

education system fails to prepare students in the primary and secondary grades for the 21st century work.

Yet an inadequate and outmoded education system is only part of the problem.A less tangible(明確的)but

equally powerful cause is an antique(過時的)classification system that divides the workforce into two

camps:white-collar knowledge workers and blue-collar manual laborers.

Blue-collar workers emerged in the United States during the Industrial Age as work moved from

farms to.factories.White-collar ofice workers became a significant class in the twentieth century,

outnumbering(多于)the blue-collar workers by mid-century.Corporations increasingly require a new

layer of knowledge worker:a highly skilled multi-disciplined talent,who combines the mind of the white-

collar worker with a soid grounding in mathematics and science(physics,chemistry,and biology)These

“golid-collar”workers-so named for their contributions to their companies and to the economy as well

as for their personal earning ability-apply their knowledge to technology.

The gold-collar worker already exists in a wide range of jobs.The maintenance technician who tests

and repairs aircraft systems at American Airlines;the network administrator who manages systems and

network operations at Procter &Gamble(寶潔公司);the engineering technologist who assists scientists

at Sandia National Laboratories;and the advanced-manufacturing technician at Intel can all be regarded as

gold-collar wokers.

51.What does the word“projects"in the first paragraph mean?

A.Throws B.Predicts



52.What is a gold-collar worker's advantage over that of a blue-collar worker?

A.A gold-collar worker is more skillful in technology.

B.A gole-collar worker has received higher education.

C.A gold-collar worker used to be a white-collar worker.

D.A gold-collar worker learnt more in high schooi.

53.How can a person be qualified as a gold-collar worker?

A.He must continue to learn and work hard in his career.

B.He must have the knowledge of more than one subject.

C.He can make a skillful use of his wisdom and his knowledge.

D.He can earn more than a blue-collar worker does.

54.It can be inferred from the passage that the first group of blue-collar workers were most likely to be

A.migrants B.educators

55.What has contributed muclh to America's lack of qualified skilled workers?

A.The outdated education'system.

B.The current new classification of workforce.

C.The fact that most American workers are illiterates.

D.The fact that the blue-collar workers are not used to the factory work.

Part II Cloze(10%)

The person who can see a ship without some feeling of excitement must have very little imaginatior

Even the idea of leaving the solid land 56 most of us were borm and brought 57,and going out on to th

ever-moving waters must arouse 58 some feelings of strangeness.We may remember stories of teribl

storms,with waves 59mountains,and of people from ships which have sunk 60.weeks in small boat

hundreds of miles from land.But we have also 61 joy of traveling on calm seas under blue 62,and o

the 63 excitement of coming to a new beautiful land which we have sen only in pictures before.

4ships are not,of course,made chiefly for pleasure:their biggest use is in catrying goods fron

country to country.65,ships can carry more goods than s6means of transport,and can mor

cheaply.If ships 68,the British govermment would not be able to feed 69 people.

Ships also have made 70 to discover more and more distant parts of our world.21 is known to al

Columbus used a ship to discover America about 500 years ago.And 72,ships are used for exploring th

Antarctic.73 would,in fact,not be 74 to say that ships have for thousands of years 75 one of the mos

important parts in shaping society. which B.from which C.on which D.for which



D.about all

B.all of us us all

D.for us all higher high as

60.A.spending spendC.spendD.spent

61.A.heard with B.heard ofC.heard by D.heard from





63.A unbelievable? B.ancountable C.unconmfortableD.unforgettabie





65.A.In fact

B.As a result C.Above allD.By the way

66.A.the otherB.another

C.any other




C.take not exist B.did not exist C.haven't existed D.had not existed




D.those possible impossible impossible





72.A.not long ago the future C.even no D.before long




74.A.too much


75.A.madeB.doneC.played D.taken

Part IV Writing(15%)

Directions:This part is to testyour ability in practical writing.Now you are required to write a letter

according to the information given in Chinese.Your writing shoule contain over 100 words and you should

wzite it on the Composition Sheet.

你在英國參加了一次夏令營(summer camp),住在一位當?shù)鼐用馪rofessor Wilson家里。他們一

家人對你很好,Professor Wilson還帶你參觀了許多英國著名的地方,使你對英國有了更多的了解。

回國后請寫一封信給Professor Wilson,感謝他對你的照顧,并邀請他有機會來中國玩。






11.A12.C13.A14.D15.D 16.D17.C 18.A19.C20.C




51.B52.A53.C54.D55.A56.C57.B58.C59.D 60.A

61.B62.C63.D64.D65.A66.C67.D68.B69.A 70.B










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