Part l.Reading Comprehension(40%)

Passage 1

The computer is a wonderful machine.It is the most important invention since the type of engine used

in cars.Today it has the greatest effect on science,industry,and business,but it is being used more in

education and medicine.By the end of this century it will touch the lives of everyone.even people in?


villages.It is a revolutionary invention.

The oldest kind of computer is the abacus used in China since the sixth century.In the seventeenth

century an adding machine was invented,but the furst large,moderm computer was built in 1937.A few

years later a computer could do 5000 additions per second.Now the computations are so fast that they are

measured in nanoseconds(毫微秒).

Today most computers have a memory.They are getting smaller and smaller,and computing faster and

faster.Even in a large computer the part actual computing is about the size of the end of a


Computers can do all kinds of work.When someone buys something in a department store,information

about the sale goes into a computer,A scientist can talk to the computer about the rocks,and the computer

answers the questions.A doctor can talk to the computer and explain what is wrong with a patient.If the

doctor asks why, the computer goes through its stored information and explains exactly why.

When early humans began farming,it was a revolutionary change in human life.It was hundreds of

thousands of years later that people developed a writing system(方法).In less than fifty years people have

developed computers that can do most of the things humans can do.This could be a frightening


1.The computer is considered a wonderful machine because. has effect on all aspects of man's life is widely used in education and medicine has the function of an is useful even in distant villages

2.The abacus has been tused in China for.

A.some 5,000 yearsB.about 600 years

C.nearly 1,000 yearsD.over 1,300 years

3.The most important feature of a computer is that. has a is small in size computes answers all kinds of questions

4.The computations of the computer are usually measured in



5.The computer will soon affect.

A.people in large citiesB.people in developed countries

C.people all over the worldD.people in the Westem world


In the traditional marriage,the man worked at a job to earn money for the family.Most men worked in

an office,a factory,or some other place away from the home.Since the man earned the money,he paid the

bills.The money was used for food,clothes,a house,and other family needs.The man made most of the

decisions.He was the boss.

In the traditional mariage,the woman seldom worked away from the house.She stayed at home to

care for the children and her husband.She cooked the meals,cleaned house,washed the clothes,and did other

household work.Her job at home was every important.

In recent years,many couples continue to have a traditional relationship of this kind.The man has a job

and earns the money for the family.The woman stays at home and cares for the children and the

house.Many Americans are happy with this kind of marriage.But some other Americans have a different

impression of marriage and family responsibilities.

There are two important differences in male and female roles now.One is that both men and women

have many more choices.They may choose to marry or to stay single.They may choose to work or stay at

home.Both men and women may choose roles that are comfortable for them.

A second difference in male and female roles is that within marriage many decisions and

responsibilities are shared.The husband and wife may choose to have children,or they may not.If they have

children,the man may take care of them some of the time,all of the time,or not at all.The woman may want

to stay at home and take care of the children.Or she may want to go to work.Men and Women now decide

these things together in a marriage.Many maried people now share these decisions and the responsibilities

of their families.

6.Which of the following is NOT true in the traditional marriage?

A.Men worked at a job to earn money for family.

B.The woman made most of decisions.

C.The woman stayed at home to care for the children.

D.The man paid the bills.

7.In recent years

A.young couples reject the traditional relationship

B.the woman has a job and earns the money for the family

C.the woman doesn't stay at home and care for the children and the hou

D.the role of men and women has begun to change

8.Men and women may now choose all the following EXCEPT to

A.marry or to stay single orto stay athome

C.have the roles that are comfortable for them

D.leave their jobs just because they have children

.The following are all now true EXCEPT

A.they may choose to have children or not

B.the man may take care of the children some of the time

C.the woman may want to go to work

D.the woman is the most important person in the house

0.Which of the following is NOT true

A.The man was the boss in the traditional marriage.

B.The woman's job at home was very important in the past

C.Many Americans still have a traditional marriage

D.Everyone tries to get married

Passage 3

Did you know that the empuy plastic soft drink bottles you throw away every day can be turmed into

carpet or automobiles parts?

That used glass botles and aluminum cans can be turned into new ones?

And that yesterday's newspaper can be turned into tomorrow's?

It all happens because of recycling(再利用).The simple waste we throw away is a“natural

resource'"that,with recycling,can be used to produce a variety of new products.

Unfortunately.America recycles only 10%of its ubbish,burms 10% and deposis 80% in waste

desposal grounds.As a resultitis having to cope with a serious solid waste problem

Every year,Americans throw away about 160 millon tons of rubish.Of that total.plastics make up

les than 8%,paper about 36%,and glass and metalabout 20%,all by weight.Plastics are naurally lighter,but

still,when pressed together,accout for only about 20% by volume.

Asa resultin the past 10 years the United States waste disposal grounds have decreased fom about

18.500 to 6,000.In five years 2,000 more will close.

In the process of finding solutions,some people have proposed to stop using plastics.

Unfortunately,stop using plastics would do much harm and no god.We would lose all of the

safety,health and convenience features of plastics.

Besides,packaging would sill be needed.A 1987 study shows what would happen if plastics were not

usedthe energy neded to produce other packaging.its cost,and the volume of waste collected would all

rise greatly

Some Americans believe part of the answer o America's waste problem lies in recycling everything

from glass to metals to paper to plastic.

Todayrecycling is on the ise.There are now more than 1,00 waste recycling programs in the

U.S.Many are beginning to recycle plastics.

Right now,almost 200 companies are recycling millions of used plastic containers into toys.traftic

signs,waste baskets,floor materials,and park benches.

Plastics are among the easiest materials to recycle.More than 150 million pounds or 20% of al plastic

soft drink botles were recycled in 1987.

11.What can't the plastic soft drink bottles be turmed into?

A.Newspapers.B.Automobile parts.

C.Toys ? ? ? D.Traffic signs.

12.Of all the rubbish in the U.S,plastics account for by weight andby volume.



13.On average,waste plastics areother wastes. heavy in density as B.heavier in density than

C.lighter in density thanD.the same by weightas

14.In.5 years,the U.S.will have only waste disposal grounds.


15.The author of this passage the proposal of stopping using plastices.

A.says nothing about sympathetic with

C.agrees to ? ? ? ? ?D.disagrees to


There are two kinds of memory:short-term and long-term.Information in long-term memory can be

remembered at a later time when it is needed.The information may be kept for days or

weeks.Howeverinformation in short-term memory is kept for only a few seconds,usually by repeating the

information over and over.The following experiment shows houw short-term memory has been studied.

Henningstudied how students who are leaming English as a second language remember

vocabulary.The subjects in his experiment were 75 college students.They represented al levels of ability in

English:beginning,intermediate,advanced,and native-speaking students.

To begin,the subjects listened to a recording of a native speaker reading a paragraph in

EnglishFollowing the recording,the subjects took a 15-question test to see which words they

remembered.Each question had four choices.The subjects had to circle the word they had heard in the

recording.Some of the questions had four choices that sound alike.For example,weather,whethet,wither,and

weter are four words that sound alike.Some of the questions had four choices that have the same

meaning Method.way,manmer and system would be four words with the same meaning.Finaly he subjects

took a language proficiency test.

Henning found that students with a lower proficiency in English made more of their mistakes on

words that sound alike;students with a higher proficiency made more of their mistakes on words that have

he same meaning Heming's results sugest tat begianing sudents hold the sound of sworisintheir shon

tam memoryand advanced sudents holdthe mearning of wordsin theirshor.tem memory.

16.Henning made the experiment in order to study students remember English vocabulary by short-term memory

16.Henning made the experiment in order to study. students remember English vocabulary by short-term memory students learn English vocabulary to develop students'ability in English long information in short-term memory is kepit

17.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the pasage?

Anformation in short.tem memory is diferent from that in long-tcmmemory.

B.Long-term memory can be achieved only by training.

C.Itis easier to test short-term memory than long-term memory.

D.Henning gave a separate test on vocabulary to his students.

18.From Henning's results we can see that.

A.beginners have dificulty in distinguishing the pronunciation of words

B.advanced students remember words by their meaning is defficult to remember words that sound alike is difficult to remember words that have the same meaning

19.The word"subject”in the passage means.

A.the colesecourse the studens ake B.the theme of the listening mateial

C.abranch of knowledge studie r-:#2e studentexperimented on

20.The passage centers on?

A.memoryB.two kinds of memory

C.short-term experiment on students

Part 11.Vocabulary,Structure and Gramar(30%)

21.The view from the other side of the mountain was even more.

A.productive B.impresive positive D.dcisive

22.Theythe train and was late this morming,which amoyedthem very much.

C.mised D.failed

23.A duck'scan keep out water because they have oily substance on them.

A.further B.farther C.feathery D.faied

24.Cary the box of explosive carefully or we'llup dead ourselves.

A.putB.end Cset Drise be llu

25.The Browns were a great deal more of their guests than the Smiths.

A.thoughtul B.considerable C.pacticl D.imagiary

26.Murder is by death ih many counnes.

A.punishing B.punished Cpunishable Dpunish

27.How can he save when he spends his income?

A.beyond B.on c.for Dunder

28.if you live in the cityyour friends are always forachat oranevening'sentertainment


C.permisible D.uncountable

29.The witness wasbadly wounded himself so he couldnt apear in court

A.infact Bi ature Cinpariclar person

30.Americanshave egg,some meattoast fruit and coffee at breakfast

A.ormally B.continuously C.consequently D.tracditional

31.She often fell in front of the television.


32.Chemical fertilizer plays an important in developing agriculture.

A.act B.park C.turn D.role

33.Ifirsttelephoning her buthen decided to go and see her.

A.cnjoyed B.avoied C.tried D.considered

34.The law allparents to send their chilgren to school until the age of sixten.


35.Aunt Bety didn'tin at he hoteluntil tenin the evening.

A.enter B.ariveccheckD.regiser

36.White surfaces reflect heat and light black ones absorb them.

A.whereas B.although C.evenifD.unid

37.She is puting on weight.She has to the belt to the larger size.

A.regular B.adjust C.arrange D.purchase

38.He is now working in London and is not to driving on the left.

A.acluslomcd B.dsicd C.using D.followed

39.The ful set of the book of twelve volumes. consisted B.consists C.made up D.contains

40.the problem remained unsolved

A.Having not idscussed B.Having not been discussed

C.Not having discused ?D.Not having been discused

41.The history of the village.wlhich few people know much,can be studied from the record in the school. B.on Cabout D.for

42.The ticket you got veserday will you to a frce film.

A.entite entitled C.entile to D.entitle for

43.He was awake thinking about his experiment.

A.lying B.laying C.lain D.ait

44.By the end of this century many big bridgcs across the Pearl River

A.would be completed B.will be completed C.will complete D.will have been completed

45.If1out ofinkI would have finished writing the paper.

A.hadn't run B.shouldn't run C.haven't run D.cidn'tun

46.It is no goodtoday's work for tomorrow.

"A.leaving B.leave leave ?D.that you leave

47.that Easton had got promoted,his friends came to congratulate to him on that.

A.Being heard B.Having hard C.To have head D.Having been heard

48.such a customer as Harry,he would punish him heavily.

A.If he has met B.If he was to meet C.If he is meeting D.Were he to meet

49.Many things impossible in the past are common today.

A.considered B.considering consider D.being considered

50.It is desired that heeverything ready by tonight.

A.will get B.would get C.will have got D.get

Part lll.Cloze(10%)

In the early days in the United States,salt was very51,So,the storekeeper of 52 days was very

careful 53_his salt.54 he-55,out salt for a customer,he did not 56-for anyone to walk

57the floor of the store,The walking might 58 the floor and could 59the salt to“settle"

and_60_the storekeeper would have to61 a little more sait to the 62 he had already poured out!

In the modern world salt has many uses 63_the dining table,It is used in the making of glass and

airplane parts,in the 64_of crops,and in killing weeds.It is also used to make water 65_etc.Salt even

helps to 66itching 67_it is rubbed on mosquito or other insect bites.

Salt can be68_in various ways besides being taken from mines underground.Evaporation of salt

water from the ocean or salt water lakes or small seas is one of the more common69_for manufacturing

salt.Yet 70it is obtained,salt will continue to play an important part in the lives of men and women








58.A.rrin B.damageC.spoilD.shake

59.A.let B.makeC.bringD.cause

60.A.on the other hand a matter of fact a resultD.nevertheless


62.A.number B.amountC.contentD.figure

64.A.growingB.growing upC.buildingD.building up

65.A.drink be cleanC.softD.being fresh





Part lV.Translation (20%)


A.He gave the old lady a pair of slipper on her birthday,which pleased her a lot.

B.He sent the old lady a pair of slipper on her birthday,this made her very glad.

C.He presented the old lady a pair of slippers at her birthday,that made her very pleased.

D.He gave the old lady a pair of slippers for her birthday,which pleased her a lot.


A.While there they spent half the time doing physical work.

B.While stayed there,they spent half the time on manual work.

C.While staying there,they spent half the time to do physical work.

D.While they stayed there,they spent half of theic tige todq manual work


A.Too much fat cells prevent the heat of fat people to escape quickily.

B.Too much fat cells prevent the heat of fat people escaping quickly.

C.Too many fat cells prevent the heat of fat people from escaping quickly.

D.Too many fat cells prevent the fat peoples'heat from escaping quickly.


A.No matter they are working very hard,they can hardly keep up with the latest development in


B.No matter how hard they are working,they can hardly keep up with the latest development in


C.In spite of they are working very hard,they can hardly keep-up with the latest development in


D.Although they are working very hard,they can't hardly kep up with the latest development in


A.It is said that the bridge built the year before was washed away by the heavy rain last night.

B.Itis said that the bridge which was built the year before washing away by the heavy rain last night.

C.It is said that the bridge was built the year before last night it was washed away by the heavy rain.

D.It is said that the bridge which was built the year before being washed away by the heavy rain last



A.The news which we will be invited to the conference is very encouraging.

B.The news which we will be invited to the conference is very encouraged.

C.The news that we will be invited to the conference is very encouraging.

D.The news that we will be inviting to the conference is very encouraged.


A.With the development of science and technology we'll be able to travel to other planets some day.

B.With the development of science and technology-we'll be able to travel to the other planets someday

C.With the development of sciene and technology we can be able to travel to other planets some day

D.With the development of science and technology we can be able to go to other planets for

traveling someday.


A.It seems that this medicines are quite effective.

B.It seems that these medicines are quite affected.

C.It seems that these medicines are quite effected.

D.It seems that these medicines are quite effective.


A.She prefers making her own clothers than to buy them in the shops.

B.She prefers making her own clothers than buying them in the shops.

C.She prefers making her own clothers in place of buying them in the shops.

D.She prefers making,her own clothers instead of buying them in the shops


A.It must rain heavily last nignt,for the river has risen.

B.It must rain heavily lastinight,for the river has raised.

C.It must have rained heavily last night for the river has risen.

D.It must have rained heavily last night for the river has raised.





31.A 32.D 33.D34.A35.C36.A37.B38.A39.B40.D


51.C 52.A 53.D54.B55.C56.D57.B58.D59.D60.C

61.D 62.B63.C 64.A65.C66.A67.D68.A69.B70.A

71.D 72.A73.C74.B75.A76.C77.A78.D79.B80.C


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