Part I Vocabulary and Structure (30%)

Directions:There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentence,there are four

choices marked A,B,C,and D.Choose the one that best completes the sentence and then mark

the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

1.Tom sold all his belongings last week,and he has left in the house now.

A.something? ? B.anything? ? C.everything? ? D.nothing

2.John is fond of playingbasketball and Jack is keen on playingpiano.

A./..the? ? B.the.../? ? ?C./../? ? D.the...the

3.he goes,he likes to make friends.

A.However? ? ?B.Whatever? ? ?C.Wherever? ? D.Whichever

4.Nowadays,computers are used in many fields.

A.impossibly? ?B.widely? ? C.naturally? ?D.carefully

5.Jane received an offer from a big company,and Joan was a little bit jealous her.

A.with? ? B.on? ? ? D.of

6.Tom's parents wereto hear that he had come back safe and sound after the long joumey.

A.related? ? B.released? ? C.relieved? ? D.refreshed

7.As I know,his salary as a doctor is much higher. a teacher? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? B.than a teacher that of a teacher? ? ?D.than that of a teacher

8.The two engineers are trying to find ato the technical problem.

A.conclusion? ?B.solution? ?C.reply? ? D.reaction

9.Joan was soin reading a novel that she didn't see her son walking into the room.

A.concentrated? ? B.passionate? ? C.absorbed? ? D.eager

10.Heon his term paper the whole morning but he hasn't written a word.

A.will work? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?B.had been working

C.has been working? ?D.had worked

11.He shouted at the top of his voice so that he could make himself_ hear? ?B.hear? ? C.hearing? ? ? D.heard

12.Mary be in Paris.I saw her just now on campus.

A.mustn't? ? B.can't? ? C.need not? ?D.may not

13.No soonerat the airport than he was informed that the flight had been canceled.

A.he arrived? ? B.he had arrived? ? C.had he arrived? ? D.did he arrive

14.The other day my caron the way home and Ihad to ask my friends for help.

A.broke off? ? B.broke out? ? ?C.broke down? ? D.broke up

15.Ifhein completing the training program,he would have got the job.

A.succeeds? ? B.has succeeded? ? C.succeeded? ? D.had succeeded

16.The picturehimof his happy childhood with his grandparents in the countryside.

A.recalled? ? B.reminded? ? C.removed? ? D.remembered

17.Guangzhou,with a long history,has many historic places and tourist u,which draw

millions of visitors every year.

A.concentrations? ?B.contributions? ? C.attractions? ? ?D.attentions

18.We are delighted at the newsour team has won the first prize.

A.that? ? B.which? ? C.whether? ? D.what

19.It's a very popular play, and I think it is advisable that youseats in advance. ? B.booked? ? C.will book? ? D.would book

20.John is not qualified for the jobhe has no working experience in this field. ?B.once? ?C.though? ?D.because

21.It was his parents'help enabled him to buy an apartment in the big city.

A.which? ?B.that? ?C.what? ? D.who

22.He had some trouble himself to college life when he came to college in 2018.

A.adjusting? ?B.adjusted? ? C.having adjusted? ? adjust

23.Some students are able to find jobs after graduation while will return to school for an advanced degree.

A.ones? ? B.another? ?C.others? ?D.the other

24.According to the schedule,the studentsto submit their graduation theses before May50,2019.

A.are required? ? B.were required? ? C.will require h? ? D.have required

25.Once we reach an,we can go ahead with the building project.

A.arrangement? ? B.accumulation? ? ?C.agreement? ?D.appointment

26.Whenoverseas,you'd better carry an Intemational Driving Permit,even if you are notplanning to drive. ? ?B.travelled? ? C.travelling? ? ? trave

27.The day after tomorrow I will go to the parka flower show is being held.

A.which? ? B.why? ? C.what? ? ?D.where

28.Although he had failed in driving tests many times,he taking the test again.

A.focusedon? ? B.triedon? ? C.insisted on? ? D.worked on

29.They will hold a party if they the project on time.A

A.will complete? ? B.complete? ? C.completed? ? D.had completed

30.At the opening ceremony,the headmaster gave a short speech,a long one,to all theparticipants.

A.because of? ?B.insteadof? ? spite of? ? a result of

Part IⅡ Reading Comprehension?

Directions:In this section,there are four passages,each of which is followed by five questions or

ungfinished sentences.Choose the best answer and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.


He was just 12 years old when he died.But he brought courage and hope to people aroundthe world.

Although Nakosi Johnson died, he is still remembered today as an AlDS fighter.This young

boy challenged his government's AIDS policies and millions of South Africans in the fight against the disease.

Johnson was the longest survivor born HIV positive(艾滋病病毒攜帶者).He survived

with this deadly disease for 12 years before itglaimedhislife0-(-0n

At first,Johnson was expected to live for nine months when his foster mother,Gail Johnson

took him in at the age of two.She now runs Nkosi's Haven across the town from his house in

Melville.The Haven is home to 20 children living with HIV or AIDS and 1l of their mothers.

Johnson attracted the world's attention and stole the hearts of thousands of people across the

world at the 13h Intermational AlDS Conference in Durban in July,2000.He stood in front of a

large audience including South African President Thabo Mbeki.He told them that he wanted AZT,

a drug used to treat AIDS patients,to be given to HIV-postive pregnant(懷孕的)women to

prevent the disease from being passed on to their unborm babies.He received a loud cheer at the

end of his speech.Johnson's speech was broadcast live across the world.With views beyond his

age and even a sense of humor,Johnson soon became an international sign of the fight against


31.Johnson is remembered as an AIDS fighter because

A.he was bom HIV positive-

B.he sufered a lot from AIDS

C.he changed the government polices

D.he had his own idea to fight against the disease.

32.What does the underlined expression “claimed his life”mean in the third paragraph?

A.Caused his death.? ? B.Made himweak

C.Saved his life.? ? ? ? ? D.Helped him survive.

33.From the fourth paragraph,it can be inferred that 20 HIV or AIDS children. together to avoid loneliness

B.were taken care of by their mothers

C.took the Nkosi's Haven as their home

D.were looked after by the government

34.What idea did Johnson give in his speech?

A.He wanted to be a brave AIDS fighter.

B.He wanted to draw the world's atention.?

C.He wanted to fight against the government.

D.He wanted AZT to treat pregnant AIDS women.

35.Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?

A.AChild's Excellent Speech、? ? ? ? B.A Brave AIDS Fighter

C.A Sad Story of an AIDS Child? ? ? D.A Deadly Disease -AIDS


What should you think about in trying to find your career?You are probably better at some

school subjects than others.These may show strengths that you can use in your work.A boy who

is good at mathematics can use that in an engineering career.A girl who spells well and likes

English may be good at ofice work.So it is important to do well at school.On the other hand,

you may not have any specially strong or weak subjects but your records show a general

satisfactory standard.Although not all the subjects can be used directly in a job,they may have

indirect value.Knowledge of history' is not required for most jobs but if history is one of your

good subjects you will have learmed to remember the facts and details.That is the ability that can

be useful in many jobs.

Your school may have taught you skills,such as typing or technical drawing,which you can

use in your work.You may be good at mental work or cookery and look for a job where you can

improve these skils.

If you have had a part-time job on Saturdays or in the summer,think what you gained from

it.If nothing else,you may have leamed how to get to work on time,to follow the instruction and

to get on with older workers.You may learm to give correct change in a shop,for example.Just as

important,you may become interested in a particular industry or career you see from the inside in

a part-time job.

Facing your weak points is also part of knowing yourself.Perhaps you are a poor speller or

cannot add up a column of figures.It is better to face any weaknesses than to pretend they do not

exist.Your school record,for instance,may not be good,yet it is an important part of your

background.You should not be apologetic about it but instead recognize that you will have a

chance of a fresh start at work.

36.What does the first paragraph mainly tell us?

A.The importance of finding a good job.

B.The importance of one's ability in school.

C.The importance of doing well in school work.

D.The importance of being good at all the subjects.

37.What knowledge is not necessary in looking for many jobs according to the writer?

A.Mathematics.? ?B.English.? ? ?C.History.? ?D.Typing.

38.The writer's attitude towards a part-time job is

A.positive? ? ?B.negative? ? ?C.neutral? ? ?D.hostile

39.It can be inferred from the passage that if a student's school work is not good,he

A.can find his weakness? ? ? ? ? ? B.can get a new start in his work

C.will fail in looking for a job? ? D.will feel regret about his ability

40.The passage is developed by giving

A.a comparison? ? B.enough evidence? ? C.some examples? ? ?D.some facts


Until the twentieth century,women did not often participate in sports.Part of the

explanation for this is that women simply did not have time.Many women cooked,cleaned,and

took care of children.They were so busy that they did not have time for sports.A second reason,

especially in the late nineteenth century,is that a woman's image at that time was one of

weakness,illness,and delicacy.In the Victorian era,people thought that it was unladylike for a

woman to be involved in any sports activity.

There have been changes in both the view of women in the modern world,and also changes

within the world of sports.These changes have allowed many more women to participate in

sports.The general view of women has changed substantially since the Victorian era.Women are

no longer considered delicate.People do not think it is unladylike for a woman to compete in

sports.Women who win in sports activities are highly regarded.Many women now take part in

sports and games of many different kinds,and enjoy doing so.This development is partly the

result of a change in the image of women in the modern world.

Women are also more active in sports now because of two changes in sports.First,in the

early twentieth century,women began to compete regularly in the Olympics.Also,the number of

events for women in the Olympics has been growing quite steadily.The fact that women can

compete in the Olympics encourages many to become active in the various Olympic activities.In

more recent years,television has had a noticeable effect on the popularity of women's

professional sports.Many women's tennis matches and golf matches are on TV,along with many

other competitions.Seeing women in professional sports on TV has made certain sports much

more popular among women,as amateurs and as professionals.

41.According to the passage,women did not often participate in sports in the past because

A.they were too busy? ? ? ? ?B.they did not like competition

C.they did not like sports? ?D.they loved staying at home

42.Women began to participate in the Olympics the late nineteenth century? ? ? the Victorian Age the early twentieth century? ? ? the 2lst century

43.TV has made women's sports

A.well recognized? ? ? ? B.highly regarded

C.more professional .? ?D.more popular

44.We can infer from the passage that

A.women used to be considered too weak for sports

B.women did less housework in the twentieth century

C.the number of sports events has remained unchanged

D.only women's tennis matches and golf matches are on TV

45.The best title for this passage is

A.The lmage of Women? ? ? ?B.Sports in the Past

C.Women in Sports? ? ? ? ? ? ?D.Modem Sports

New research is trying to find how we learn and make decisions exactly.To the brain,a new

thought or idea is like a spider.If it works hard enough,a web of knowledge spins out from it.

Photos of the brain taken during learming actually show a kind of nerve cells firing,growing,and

forming new connections.This is fascinating in itself,but what's even more fascinating is that

failure can cause this to happen.

That's right;failure can enhance your brain.

Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck has compared the brain waves of people with

growth and fixed mind-sets.She finds that,when those with growth mind-sets fail at a task,they

would enter a more focused mental state.And as they try again and again,they improve.In effect,

they've learned,and their brains have "grown."Those with fixed mind-sets,however,never enter

this focused state of learming and show litle advancement

Antoine Bechara,a professor of psychology and neuroscience at the University of Southem

Califormia,has taken Dweck's work a step further.He recently isolated two equally sized centers

in the brain.These areas interact during the decision-making process.Although more research is

needed,these centers may turm out to be the physical locations for Dweck's twin mind-sets.

“We always knew people could learn from their mistakes,but now we're finding out exactly

how and where this happens,”explains Bechara."In a nomally functioning brain,failure is taken

as an opportunity for learning and strengthening the species.”

46.According to the passage,like a spider,a new thought or idea could

A.come from hard work? ? ? B.enrich your brain very fascinating? ? ? ? ? ?D.form a knowledge web

47.Which of the following statements about Antoine Bechara is true?

A.He explored how human beings survive.

B.He found how the brain normally functions.

C.He probably discovered the physical locations for the twin mind-sets.

D.He studied the brain waves of people with growth and fixed mind-sets.

48.Carol Dweck's work has something to do with to take photos of the brain failure helps the brain “grow”

C.when the areas in the brain interact with each other

D.when nerve cells fire,grow,and form new connections

49.The pasage is most probably fioma_-

A.laboratory journal? ? ? B.newspaper report

C.medical magazine? ? ? D.personal resume

50.The author's tone can be best described as

A.objective? ? ?B.critical? ? C.personal? ? D.official

Part IIⅢ Cloze

Directions:There are 15 blanks in the following passage.For each blank,there are for choices.

Choose the best answer and mark the corresponding leter on the Answer Sheet.

At the beginning of 1993,Harison Textile Company,a plant that makes clothes for people,

sufered a disaster.The plant,equipment,stock and so on,were 51down and turmed to ashes.

More than 3,000 employees were completely 52in the face of the unexpected disaster.

Sad and depressed,they returned home,waiting with despair 53the chairman to declare the

bankruptcy(破產(chǎn))and unemployment.But 54,after long waiting,the company posted each

person 55a letter:the company would pay one month's salary to all employees of the


When all of the workers almost 56all hope for the life of future,the company's letter

57again:the company would pay one month's salary to all the staff of the company.

If the 58letter surprised and delighted thousands of employees,the second letter almost

59them to tears.Indeed,the whole country was suffering a lot in such a bad situation that

many 60had no way for living,so who would not be touched by such 61?

Just as the chairman 62,on the day of receiving the second leter,thousands of employees

rushed back to 63.They cleaned up the ruins,tidied up the situations after the 64 and

worked again,and some of them even took the initiative to contact the interrupted supply of?goods.

Three months 65,Harison Company came to life.Today Harrison Company has

become the largest American textile company.

51.A.buned? B.tumed? ?C.pulled? ?D.pushed

52.A.confused? ?B.shocked? ?C.encouraged? ?D.impressed

53.A.with? ?B.without? ? ? D.for their surprise? ? their despair? ?C.with good luck? ?D.with bad luck

55.A.many? ?B.much? ?C.such? ?D.quite

57.A.came? ?B.sent? ? ? D.wrote

58.A.last? ? ? B.following? ? C.first? ?D.second

59.A.moved? ?B.changed? ? C.swept? ?D.hit

60.A.parents? ?B.children? ? C.people? ?D.chairmen

61.A.feelings? ? ? C.a bill? ? ? ? D.a note

62.A.did? ? B.acted? ? C.expected? ? D.understood

63.A.their dorms? ? B.their homes? ?C.the city? ? D.the company

64.A.injury? ? ? ? ?D.unemployment

65.A.early? ?B.late? ?C.ago? ?D.later

Part IⅣ Writing

Directions:Write a nolice in at least 100 words for the Student Union according to the ollowing








? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?(2)身份證IDcard;

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?(3)英語應(yīng)用能力考試合格證書 the certificate of PRETCO。


Part I Vocabulary and Structure(本大題共30小題,每小題1分,共30分)

題號|1 |2|3|4 |5|6 |7|8|9? |10|

答案|D|A|C|B|D|C|D|B|C |C?|


答案|D? | B|C? |C? |D |B |C? |A |A? |D||

題號|21|22| 23| 24| 25| 26| 27|28|29|30|

答案|B? |A? |C? |A? |C? ?|C? ?|D? |C |B |B??|

Part IⅡ Reading Comprehension(本大題共20小題,每小題2分,共40分)

題號|31|32|33| 34|35|36|37|38|39|40|

答案|D |A? |C |D? |B? |C |C? |A |B? |C |

題號|41| 42|43|44| 45| 46|47|48|49|50|

答案|A? |C? |D | A| C? |D? |C? |B |B? |A |

Part Ⅲ Cloze(本大題共15小題,每小題1分,共l5分)

題號|51|52|53| 54|55 | 56 |57|58 |59 |60|

答案|A |B? |D? |A? |C? |? B? |A | C? |A? |C?|

題號|61 62|63|64|65|

答案|B |C? |D? |B |D?|

Part IⅣ Writing















? ? ?(2)字?jǐn)?shù)不足應(yīng)酌情扣分。


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